This ministry would not be possible without volunteers like you! We are so thankful for your interest and desire to serve alongside us to reach more children with the Gospel!
If you are a new or returning volunteer please scroll down and select your category to complete the necessary volunteer steps.
God has given you a wide variety of skills and experiences. Use them in a way that will help children come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior!
Ways that you can volunteer include, but are not limited to:
Good News Club Volunteer: GNC are held once a week after school. This is typically a 2 hour commitment once a week. There are various levels (described below) that require different levels of training and time. We can use people with many different skill sets and abilities in clubs. Read the descriptions below to see where you may fit in.
Teachers– Responsible for oversight of club, schedule, teaching of the Bible Lesson and Memory Verse. Teachers must go through TCE-1 Training in order to teach in clubs.
Assistant Teachers– Responsible for leading of the songs, missionary story, Wonder Time, and/or review game time.
Administrator– Responsible for coordinating permission slips and nametag distribution, arrival/dismissal procedures, and attendance/record keeping-primary contact between club, school, and local CEF office.
Table Teachers/Grade Shepherds– Responsible for being the helper in charge of a grade (or group). This would entail greeting students as they arrive, supervising their snack time, listening to their verses, sitting with them during club and through dismissal time.
In today’s society child abuse and child accusations are occurring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship take steps to protect the children to whom we minister and also to protect our workers.
In accordance with the Child Protection Policy of Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc., all volunteers and paid workers are required to undergo a national criminal background check and complete a volunteer application process. Please select your corresponding category below to fill out the required forms.